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Image by Sami Takarautio

The Nordics

A Strong, Resilient and Diversified

Investment Universe

The Nordic High Yield market offers wide diversification,

short maturities, and floating rate coupons


The judicial system in the region is considered among the most advanced, with the lowest rate of corruption, allowing companies to operate in a more stable, transparent and predictable environment, filled with investment opportunities

Short Duration
Floating-Rate Bonds

Most bonds in the Nordics have a maturity of 3-5 years making it easier to analyze both cash flow and market trends. 

Responsible and Sustainable Investing

The Nordic market is at the forefront of adaption to environmental and social responsible investment standards. 

Unique and Attractive Risk-Adjusted Return

With a big part of the market consisting of floating-rate notes, the Nordic market has a lower durational risk.


The Nordic market offers shorter credit duration resulting in a lower volatility environment. 

A region of unexploited investment potential

The geo-economical quality that the Nordics have to offer

attracts investors from all over the world.


And LDS Investments now makes it easier to access

direct investments in the Nordics.

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