​​Dr Kongkiat Opaswongkarn is the founder and CEO of Asia Plus Group Holdings Public Company Limited, one of the largest investment firms in Thailand. He has pioneered over 20 large-scale M&A transactions in various industries and advised over 100 entrepreneurs in raising funds through IPO and private equity to finance their business expansions.
Dr Kongkiat is a pioneer with an outstanding investment track record among organisations such as Blender, CYE and Pitango Venture Capital Fund. He started his career at Kasikorn Bank in 1984 and in 1989, where he assisted Baring Securities in establishing Baring Research (Thailand) and served as the first Managing Director until 1992 before he established Asset Plus. In 2003, he engineered the merger between Asset Plus and ABN AMRO Asia to become Asia Plus Securities, one of the largest security firms in Thailand.
Dr Kongkiat has also contributed to various boards and committees, with positions including Chairman of the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organization, Chairman of the Securities Analysts Association, and the CEO of Export-Import Bank of Thailand. For his achievements, he has received several awards including “Global Leaders of Tomorrow” from the World Economic Forum Davos and “The Best CEO of Listed Company in SET” from the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Dr Kongkiat received a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering with First-Class Honors from Chulalongkorn University. He also received a PhD, along with a Master of Science, and MBA with Distinction from the Wharton School, the University of Pennsylvania.