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The Nordic Way
of Investing



LDS Investments is a niche investment manager offering tailor-made solutions to invest in the Nordic region. We offer a unique investment opportunity, aligned

with a strong sustainability ethos and adherence to defined ESG guidelines.


Our High Yield fund seeks to deliver a stable, unlevered return,

aligned with a strong focus on fundamental analysis.

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Why Invest in the Nordics?

A small region with a BIG impact

 The Nordic High Yield market is highly diversified, offering
floaters with a standard maturity of only 3-5 

+1 347 254 9859

900 Third Avenue, 29th floor, New York, NY 10022

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©2022 LDS INVESTMENTS L.P. All rights reserved


SEC - Exempt Reporting Advisor

LDS INVESTMENTS L.P. (“LDS Investments” & "LDS") has filed as an Exempt Reporting Adviser with SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission). Filing as an Exempt Reporting Adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. is LDS Investments’ only website, and LDS Investments does not offer a mobile application. All content on this website is for informational purposes only. Although the website may include investment-related information, nothing on the website is a recommendation that you purchase, sell or hold any security or other investment, or that you pursue any investment style or strategy. Neither LDS Investments nor any of its personnel offers investment services via the Internet.  Any website, service or individual purporting to offer investment services via the Internet is not endorsed by, affiliated with, or otherwise permitted to do so by, LDS Investments. This website is not an offer to, or solicitation of, any potential clients or investors for the provision of investment management, advisory or any other related services.

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